Contractor Form

If you'd like to work with Reflective Media Productions, please take a moment to carefully read about the ministry and fill out the form so we can better understand your giftings and how we can best work together.

Our Mission

We produce high-quality Christ-centered media focusing on improving spiritual, emotional, and mental health through the production of feature films, streaming series, follow-up curriculum, PSAs, and short-form videos.

Our Core Identity

RMP exists to glorify Jesus Christ and further His kingdom through media. We are a ministry first and a production studio second.

RMP Leadership

Carla McDougal
Founder & CEO

Robin Murray
Director of Content Development

Jake Allen
Executive Director

History of RMP

Reflective Life Ministries was founded in 2008 by Carla McDougal as a writing and retreat ministry to women. In 2010 Carla enlisted the help of Robin Murray and Jake Allen to produce a video series to go along with her Bible study Reflecting Him. From there the team was formed and they would go on to produce their next project First Love in 2013 and then We Are Stronger in 2017. At the beginning of production for We Are Stronger, Reflective Media Productions was formed as the production arm of Reflective Life Ministries. Today the ministry has grown its social media presence and produces PSAs, short films, and our flagship project the streaming series Breaking Strongholds.


We believe the Bible to be the only inspired, infallible, authoritative Word of God.


We believe God exists in three distinct persons who are the same in nature but distinctive in functions: The Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


We believe that Jesus Christ is the eternal Son of God. He was born of a virgin, literally rose from the dead, and ascended to heaven. He is undiminished deity and perfect humanity permanently united in one person. It was through His sacrificial death on the cross that He removed once and for all the barrier of sin between God and man.


We believe that salvation is the unearned gift from God to anyone who places their full trust in the completed work of Christ's death on the cross. The only requirement for eternal life is trusting Christ's substitutionary atonement for our sin and once a person is saved they can never lose it.


We believe Jesus is coming again to judge the living and the dead, and to establish the Kingdom of God and eradicate sin and all of its effects.


We believe that the goal of this ministry and our lives is to bring glory to Jesus Christ. Thus, our measurement of success is not monetary or by popularity, but faithfulness to do what He has called us to no matter the outcome.