
Live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want.

—Galatians 5:16-17

Do Not Enter... Do Not Disturb... Keep Off! What is it about human nature? Why do we want to do things we shouldn’t? The battle against right and wrong constantly plagues our minds. Think about this… You're late for a job interview. Pulling into the parking lot, you notice an open spot close to the front of the building. A sigh of relief comes over you. As you park, you notice the beautiful landscape bridging the gap between you and the entrance. Your eyes focus on a large sign, commanding pedestrians to KEEP OFF!

Decision time. If you follow the sidewalk, you have to walk all the way around the pristine, grassy garden area. You look around, don’t see anyone, and say to yourself, “Oh, well.” Justifying your decision, you tiptoe through the manicured area. Relieved, you smile and walk through the entrance. During the appointment, the interviewer casually mentions he noticed you getting out of your car. In a split second your face reads, “Guilty as charged!”

Remember Adam and Eve in Genesis 3? God offered them the freedom to eat from any tree in the garden except one... the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil (Gen. 2:17). God put an imaginary sign on this tree that said DO NOT EAT THE FRUIT. Well, we know Adam watched his wife, Eve, yield to Satan's temptation. Both ate from the tree, and immediately sin entered the world. If only she heeded the warning!

Are we any different from Adam and Eve? For example, a toddler is told over and over not to touch a hot stove, but he defies the command and does it anyway. The pain reminds him next time to listen to the voice of warning. Living by the Spirit gives us the strength to reject the desire to gratify the flesh.

Prayer is the key to living in the Spirit and not in the flesh. Prayer keeps us in continual communication with Jesus and more aware of the Holy Spirit’s direction in our daily lives.


Is God placing any warning signs before you? How does He want you to respond? What are some things you can do to obey the “Keep Off” and “Do Not Enter” notifications? Read all of Gal. 5:16-26. Remember, God knows what is best for us, but He doesn't make us obey. Obedience is a choice. I can’t help but wonder if God smiles, claps His hands, and shouts, "Yes!" when we heed His warning signs. Obedience is a choice worth making!



So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.

—1 Corinthians 10:31

Laundry… the never-ending household chore. As children get older, the laundry piles grow exponentially. These mounds represent daily outfits, workout clothes, multiple single socks, towels, friend’s clothes that somehow end up in the mix, and more. The minute the clothes are washed, dried, folded, and put in their proper places, another mound lurks from within the hamper. In all honesty, sometimes I want to throw in the towel when it comes to this job.

The anonymous “Single-Sock Mystery” hits every household. I haven't met anyone yet who hasn't tried to solve it. Somewhere between the laundry bin, the washer, and the dryer—socks just disappear. My children decided if the sock colors sort of match, it's okay to wear them.

Years ago I read a book challenging me to change my daily mommy chores into mommy prayers. As a result, I began praying for my children as I wiped noses, changed diapers, potty trained, prepared meals, filled bottles, washed clothes and hands, and more. For example, instead of focusing on the dirty clothes that needed washing, I started praying for the child who wore the clothes. This change of heart and attitude produced a fresh excitement to accomplish all the mommy tasks.

How do we persevere through our daily routines? What can we do to make each moment count for the Kingdom of God? Even the never-ending laundry saga is an opportunity to draw nearer to Jesus. How? By putting 1 Cor. 10:31 into action, ...whatever you do, do it for the glory of God.


Turn your daily chores into prayers. Begin with the never-ending laundry pile. As you fold each piece of clothing, pray for the peace of God to fill the heart of the person who wears it. Have fun as you do everything for the glory of the Lord.




I will greatly rejoice in the Lord, my soul shall be joyful in my God. For He has clothed me with the garments of salvation, He has covered me with the robe of righteousness. As a bridegroom decks himself with ornaments, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels.

—Isaiah 61:10 (NKJV)

nticipation intensifies. The guests rise in silence. All eyes focus intently on the chapel doors. Beads of sweat form on my son’s forehead. His heartbeat escalates with each passing second. Glancing at me, he gives a quick love wink. Within seconds, I feel my betrothed of twenty-eight years grasp my hand. His gentle touch calms the nerves surging through my body.

Within seconds, flashbacks of my son’s life flood my mind. Faded memories seem like yesterday. For twenty-six years I prayed for this very moment. Deep within, a tender praise ignites, “Thank you, God! She is the bride you picked for our son. They both love you with all their hearts, minds, souls, and strength. Their purity is a picture of Your design for marriage. Bless this covenant of marriage, this union between You and Your children. “ Tears of joy cascade down. Contentment captivates me like never before.

The music fills the sanctuary. Anxious hearts anticipate the bride’s entrance. Heads oscillate back and forth between the groom at the front of the chapel and the doors at the back. The song begins its crescendo. The doors slowly open and there, standing before the bridegroom, is his bride.

I quickly gaze back at my son. To my amazement, I catch a glimpse of the image of Jesus as the bridegroom waiting for His bride, the church. My son's look of anticipation reminds me of Christ's return and His love for the church. A snapshot forever imprinted on my heart. A thankful heart connects my soul to God.

With each step the bride narrows the gap between her and her beloved. For a brief moment, tears distort my son’s vision. His heartbeat plays a love song for her only. The bride's father places her hand in my son’s palm. An immediate rush of joy overwhelms the onlookers. God's love envelops the couple. God's presence overwhelms the guests. His blessings pour out in the midst of this covenant ordained by Him.

All at once, I recall Song of Solomon 1:15, Behold, you are beautiful, my love! Behold, you are beautiful. You have the eyes of a dove. I sense my son's love, desire, and commitment for his pure, innocent, and beautiful bride. I am captivated by God’s love story being displayed. I sense Jesus proclaiming to the guests, Behold, you are beautiful, my love! Behold, you are beautiful... My heart pounds, and once again tears well up.

Finally, a kiss seals the covenant, and the pastor presents Mr. and Mrs. Luke McDougal. Running hand-in-hand down the aisle, the couple’s joy shines brightly. Showers of blessings fall from heaven. God’s love story washes over all who witnessed this pledge between a man of God, his bride, and God—the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


Begin praying for God to unite your child or grandchild with His chosen spouse. I started praying for their mates while my children were still in the womb. I asked God to draw this special one to Himself and for Him to prepare each for the other. As parents, our goal is to raise our children to love Jesus with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength. Pray for them to choose a helpmate who has a passion and love for Jesus. It is so much fun watching God puzzle their lives together.



He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and put their trust in the Lord.

—Psalm 40:3

Fear of the unknown steals my joy. My out of control thoughts mimic fireworks on the Fourth of July. Waking from a restless sleep, I wonder what this next season holds. Before my eyes see the

dawning light, a prayer ignites...

“Lord, this is my new normal. I don't want to miss a moment of what you have planned. Thank you for the blessings of raising our children. As they embark on their new normals, protect them and draw them to Yourself. Help them love you with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength. May we all embrace this new normal with excitement and expectations as Your plans unfold. Amen.”

Silence fills every room. The absence of noise creates a sweet, quiet time with Jesus. Streams of requests pour from the depths of my soul. This tender communion deposits deeper trust in Him. Embracing this new normal creates a river of hope. In an instant, a hint of joy springs forth. But the ever-present fear of the unknown lingers throughout the day. My prayer hotline to the Father activates my surrendered heart. Again I cry out, “Oh Lord, please help me adjust to this new normal!”

As the day fades into evening, a thought kindles. The genre of soft jazz sets the stage for transforming our living room into a romantic ballroom. Looking at my husband, I ask him for a dance. Without a word he jumps to his feet and draws me to himself. His embrace captivates my heart like never before. All of a sudden, these words pour in—You are his and he is yours. You get to spend the rest of your life together! This is the beginning of your new normal. Tears well up. Heart pounds. Joy overflows!

My answered prayer came wrapped in the gift of a dance. I thank my Heavenly Father for this new normal. I praise Him for answering my prayers and showing me His fresh perspective.


If you are on the horizon of a new normal, ask the Lord to show you a glimpse of His plan. Don't miss a minute of this fresh season. His purposes far outweigh our expectations. And remember, fear of the unknown robs our joy and steals our peace. Enjoy the journey of your new normal.



When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have set in place, what is man that You are mindful of him, the son of man that You care for him.

—Psalm 8:3,4

Do you recall the first time you witnessed a shooting star? Were you amazed, stunned, excited, or confused? I remember lying in the grass as a child, gazing into a night sky just waiting for a star to zip through the galaxy. It seemed the longer I stared, the closer each star appeared. Occasionally I would catch a glimpse of light streaming its way through the darkness. Excitement filled me.Wonder overwhelmed me. A moment of God’s splendor forever embedded in my heart.

Together let’s look at God’s Word. Meditate on Habakkuk 3:4, His splendor was like the sunrise; rays flashed from His hand, where His power was hidden. By God’s hand, the foundations of the Earth were formed. His hand spread out the heavens, and rays flashed from His hand, where His power was hidden. What power was hidden?

In Genesis 1:26, God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness. From this we know Jesus and the Holy Spirit were with God at the time of creation. Then in John 8:12 Jesus says, I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.

Think with me for a minute. Could it be the power that went out from God’s hand to be the light of the world was Jesus? Picture God opening His hand so Jesus is released to pass quickly through the universe and embed Himself in the womb of a young girl named Mary. The Light of the World was concealed in the darkness of the womb until He came into this world as a baby. In that moment, a star appeared in the eastern sky as a spotlight on the arrival of the long-awaited Messiah. Oh, recognize the active hand of God in your life today and allow Him to be the Light of your life!

This reminds me of our spiritual lives. The more we focus on the Lord, the closer we sense His presence in our lives. How many times do we miss God’s majestic night light display because we are too busy to look up? Focusing on the things of this world causes us to miss God’s tender hand of grace and mercy.


Prayer is the key to staying focused on Jesus so you don’t miss a moment of His presence in your life. Read Psalm 8: 3-4, When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, the son of man that you care for him? Write this verse on a piece of paper. Put it in a strategic place as a reminder of His hand on your life every day. Jesus loves you so much, and He desires a daily relationship with you. Never forget He is the Bright and Morning Star. (Revelation 22:16)



But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”

—Luke 10:40

In the middle of rush hour traffic, I noticed a mosquito buzzing around my head. Already frustrated from my hectic day, I come to a screeching halt at a red light. Yes, this is my chance to seize the pest.

All of a sudden, the pesky varmint started using my head for target practice. He’d build up speed and dive right at my ear. So, I waved my hands in the air trying to swat the thing. No luck. Then I’d take another whack close to my ear, but still no success. Finally, I see him buzzing right in front of my face. This is my moment of victory. I feel it. With eagerness and determination, I quickly smack my hands together and claim the victory. I wave my fist into the air and say, “Yes, I got you!”

Then it happened. I glanced over at the car next to me and noticed a strange look on the woman’s face. In no time flat, her facial expression changed from a sour look to laughter.

Embarrassed, I smiled and waved before turning my head. A smirk emerged just thinking about the incident. Prior to this mosquito moment my attitude was negative and cranky. But this diversion opened the door for a different outlook to my day.

Driving away from the scene, a thought emerged. Maybe, somehow, this experience brought a smile to that person and anyone else who observed my actions. In fact, I started praying for God to use my situation to bring the driver joy. It may sound funny to pray for something so trivial, but I believe God uses life experiences to remind us to keep focused on Him no matter what the situation.


Look for the diversions the Lord uses to bring a smile to your face. Ask Him to remind you to stay focused on Him, so you keep things in perspective. When experiencing a bad day, look for how God provides ways to move you from focusing on the situation to looking for Him through the situation.

On the flip side, you might be the one God uses to help someone make it through her day. Let’s say you are checking out at the grocery store. The cashier has a sour look on her face as she scans your groceries. You are faced with a choice—you can respond back with an unpleasant attitude, or you can pray for her, smile, and give her a positive word of encouragement. You might be the diversion God uses to move her from focusing on herself to thinking about Jesus.



Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him and in whose spirit is no deceit.

—Psalm 32:1,2

suffering through the common, seasonal cold brings headaches, sleepless nights, and overall physical frustration. Clogged nasal passages make it difficult to breathe, and a side effect is that you might lose your sense of smell. Can you relate to this temporary, but frustrating condition?

One evening I was home alone suffering with a cold. I let our dog inside to keep me company. A few hours later my children walked into the house and immediately started yelling, “Mom, what is that awful smell? It smells like a skunk!” To my dismay, our protective canine must have wrestled with a skunk in the backyard. Guess who won the fight! Because of my cold, I couldn't detect the pungent odor right under my nose. I did wonder why he was rubbing his body all over the rugs in the house. But I just thought he needed to scratch his back. Needless to say, the smell lingered for days and days.

God created humans with the amazing ability to detect thousands of odors. This automatic sense of smell, called the olfactory system, is constantly activated in our bodies. Because of this high level of sensitivity, we are able to distinguish between smells that draw us to the source, as well as odors that cause us to run away.

In biblical times, sweet perfumes and odors were used to reflect triumphs and victories. Conversely, there were fragrances that represented death. Notice what 2 Cor. 2:14 says, But thanks be to God, who always leads us as captives in Christ’s triumphal procession and uses us to spread the aroma of the knowledge of Him everywhere. Paul used the Roman triumphal procession as a figure of speech to praise God. In a victory procession, the priests followed the Roman general with vessels filled with incense. This presented the spectators with a smell of victory over the enemy.

Paul, of course, presented God as the conquering general leading the victory parade. He and the others who preached about Jesus released the sweet fragrance of victory in Christ. The name Jesus in the Greek means “the anointed one, salvation, Messiah.” In other words, His anointing is a sweet aroma that penetrates everything and everyone. As Jesus indwells believers, His fragrance seeps out from us to those we encounter.


Do you see a correlation between physical congestion and spiritual congestion? When we allow sin to invade our lives, it’s like our heads being plugged up with colds. In either case, it’s difficult to breathe clearly. Confessing sin is like taking a decongestant. It relieves the effects sin has on our lives. Today, take time to confess to the Lord any areas of sin, so you can inhale the sweet aroma of Jesus! Read all of Psalm 32, The Joy of Forgiveness.



At that time the disciples came to Jesus and asked, "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?" He called a little child and had him stand among them. And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. And whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes Me.”

—Matthew 18:1-5

o understand Spiritual Indigestion, you must first read Spiritual Congestion. Please take a look at the sweet, innocent face of our dog, Javorski. He gently loves on his babies (stuffed animals) while he sleeps. I know there is a sweet tender feeling welling up inside as you look at this precious, calm, and submissive member of our family, right? Wrong!

One night our family decided to play a card game. It required five dollars per person for an entry fee. Luke, the dealer, put the money on the floor. When the game ended, Carly was the big winner. Luke reached down to retrieve her winnings, but the twenty-dollar bill was gone. We searched everywhere—on the floor, in and under the furniture, all over the room. Puzzled, we retraced our steps. All the while, Javorski casually lounged beneath the table. The mystery continued until Jake exclaimed, "I think Javorski ate the money!"

Words spewed out like “No way. That’s crazy. Javorski wouldn't eat a twenty-dollar bill!”

Then Jake pulled out another bill from his wallet and gently tossed it in Javorski's direction. All of a sudden, like a bass striking the bait, Javorski had the money in his mouth. Now more words echoed loudly through the house. "You have to be kidding me. Javorski ate the twenty-dollar bill! He’s going to have a digestive problem."

Yes, our devoted canine ingested Carly's winnings and now lay under the table loving on his stuffed animal. Carly demanded the boys follow Javorski to his spot in the woods and wait until… well, you can probably guess the rest of her suggestion!

Like Javorski, our selfish desires sometimes steal the glory from others, as well as God. When we serve Jesus, or He uses us as His vessels, we need to remember to give credit where credit is due—to God! If not, we might experience spiritual indigestion. Confessing sin relieves us of this uncomfortable condition. Obeying God’s Word prevents this from happening in the first place. Loving others more than our own selves replaces selfishness with selflessness, freeing us from the condition of spiritual indigestion.


Right now, think of an area where you need to give God the glory. For example, do your children make good life decisions that reflect godly living? Instead of praising God for what He is doing in their lives, perhaps you take credit because of how you raised them. This is spiritual indigestion and it will affect your whole life. Giving God the glory frees you from a self-focused life. Begin practicing this truth. See how Matthew 18:1-5 warns us to come to Jesus as little children. It’s all about Him, not about us!