Support Breaking Strongholds

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The Next Generation of employees, customers, and clients suffer from a variety of issues like depression, broken families, social media pressures, misplaced identity, comparison, cyber bullying, suicidal thoughts, isolation, eating disorders, and more.

Together, we can help break this cycle. Be part of strengthening the Next Generation by becoming a Breaking Strongholds Sponsor.

Episode Title Sponsor - $25,000 (1 Sponsor Available)

  • Corporate name and logo displayed at the beginning of Episode 1 with a 6-Second Bumper

  • Corporate name and logo listed in credits with a special “Thank You to our Title Sponsor”

  • Advertising campaigns on a local, state, and national level with Title Sponsor added

  • Listed on Promo Materials, Social Media, Press Releases, Website, Episode 1 Trailer, etc.

  • Special 2-3 miniute video with the Sponsor promoting corporation, organization, or church.

  • 4 Tickets to the Red Carpet Premiere and recognized as Title Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor - $10,000 (2 Sponsors Available)

  • Corporate name/logo listed at the end of Episode 1 in the credits as “Platinum Sponsor”

  • Name/Corporation, logo, and website added to the Episode 1 Trailer and series website

  • 4 Tickets to the Red Carpet Premiere and recognized as Title Sponsor

Gold Sponsor - $5000 (2 Sponsors Available - 1 sold)

  • Listed at the end of Episode 1 in the credits as “Gold Sponsor”

  • Name/Corporation and website listed on the series website

Silver Sponsor - $1000 (Unlimited - 4 Sold)

  • Listed in the credits Episode 1 as “Silver Sponsor”

  • Name/Corporation listed on the series website

Named Actor/Actress Sponsor - $8500 (3 Sponsors Available)

  • Opportunity to be on set and have dinner with the cast and Named Talent.

  • Listed in the credits for each episode in which the named actor is featured.

  • Added to Breaking Strongholds and RMP websites for Named Actor Sponsorship.

  • Social media shout-outs and ads promoting the named actor in Breaking Strongholds.

Contact the RMP Team for details on the potential Breaking Strongholds Named Talent List