Lee Allen

Lee Allen

Production Assistant

Lee came to know Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior at the age of 30 in 1988 and from that point he has had a heart for projects and ministries that promote the gospel. He has been married to his lovely wife Rita for over thirty-eight years and they have two grown children and four grandchildren. Lee has been part of the RMP team since 2011.

Christine Tonkin

Christine Tonkin

Production Manager, Performance Director

Christine is a wife and mother of two who has always had a love for creative arts. With a passion for film and theater, she works to use both to reflect Jesus. Christine and her husband, Jeff, own a photography business and in recent years have been serving on film sets taking production photos. She has directed multiple theater productions and taught acting classes for many years. She is so excited to now be part of the Breaking Strongholds team!

Calvin Pearson

Calvin Pearson

Performance Director

Calvin and his wife, Jan, have been married for more than 45 years. He has 46+ years of ministry experience including: the AD Players; pastoring in Texas and Michigan; and teaching at Dallas Seminary and Southwestern Seminary. After retiring from the pastoral staff of Crossroads Baptist he still serves as an adjunct professor for several seminaries. He views working with Reflective Media Productions as a retirement gift from the Lord. handles the ministries video, graphic, and technical needs.