Mary Mansoorian


Dear Carla,


It was so nice meeting you yesterday.  I normally go to my grandson’s daycare at that time

to feed him, play and put him to sleep but I decided to to take up Ms. Patti’s offer and attend

the gathering. I was clinging to every word you said ( you probably knew that) for I felt God was speaking to me through you.   I think you will find we have many things in common after you read this letter.

I had a learning disability like you growing up in Beaumont.  It was so serious that I never completed a single book past the 2nd grade.  It was never diagnosed but I have a comprehension issue, not dyslexia.  I still have to reread material over and over again before I begin to assimilate it.  It was not until I was cast in drama productions in high school that I began to respond to reading.  Characters clearly delineated, dialogue that goes back and forth from one person to the next-this made sense to me.  

When you spoke about Cassidy’s Hope, God nudged me.  I, too, had my experiences with suicide as I have survived three suicide attempts and countless ideations.  My first attempt was at 10 years old.  Then again at 15 and yet again at 17.  I probably would not have survived the last one had it not been for God’s intervention that day.  My mantra has always been one that you echoed yesterday.  He’s not finished with me yet.  (Don’t you just love Brandon Heath’s song, by the same title.  I have soft bi-polar disorder that carries more depression than mania.  I also have anxiety disorder.  Not many people know this about me.  I kept it secret in order to keep my job as a public school teacher.  ( have been retired since 2012.)  I will have to be on medications for the rest of my life but I thank God for them and for the professionals who work with me.

By the grace of God I completed a BA in Communications (I completed a 10 month internship with KHOU-TV) and a MFA in Drama with an emphasis in performance.  I had small parts in a few productions before landing a role in AD Players, The Crucible.  It was sheer delight being a part of that!  Working with such fine actors who began every rehearsal and performance in a circle of prayer was so uplifting.

Friends and family have encouraged me over the years to pick up where I left off.  Yesterday, I began to think that maybe auditioning in the future could become a reality, so please put me in 

your file.  I haven’t had a head shot made in years, but I could supply a photo, if you would like one.  In the meantime, I will be praying that God will let me know if this is something that I should pursue.

He has blessed me with other creative gifts that might be of service to your ministry.  I am an unpublished author of several bodies of work ( children’s fiction, poems, short stories) and God has been nudging me to get moving and begin resubmitting again.  Playwriting/scriptwriting are also areas I would like to explore, and I feel confident that I could be up to the task .

I feel that God had me at that meeting for a reason and I hope you will join me in prayer to determine just what He has in mind.

My cell is: 832-564-8470.  Feel free to call or text me anytime.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.
